It’s fair to say that none of us were prepared for the serious disruption that the COVID-19 pandemic brought to our lives and our community.
For thousands of our neighbors, however, the ‘disruption’ was literally devastating. As jobs were furloughed or ended, and last paychecks spent, it did not take long for many to face the prospect of hunger for themselves and their families. The need for food in Central Florida began to spike in ways never seen before.
It was clear that our neighbors were going to need a historic effort from the entire community in order to stay afloat and to put food on the table. With the help of so many caring people like you, the Food Bank ramped up distribution efforts from 150,000 to more than 300,000 meals per day in short order. That level of service began in March 2020 and continues in 2021. New innovations were born to help put more food into the hands of people who need it. The Bring Hope Home delivery program delivered meals to people who could not get out to access food. A phone bank to assist people with SNAP benefit applications was created. And the Mercy Kitchen facility increased the production of prepared meals by up to 23,000 per day.
Communities and organizations are tested by disasters and remembered by their response. Central Florida can be proud of your reaction to the havoc that COVID-19 brought. People like you, our supporters, partners, donors, advocates and volunteers have been nothing short of heroic. Local governments, corporations, and foundations all stepped up to provide for the unprecedented increase in need. Together, working as a united front in the fight against hunger, you have made an incredible difference in the lives of those who urgently needed help. Thank you!

Dave Krepcho
President/CEOYour COVID-19 Impact Report is here!
From March 2020 through February 2021 you helped provide 96 million meals.
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